Macdonald Carey (Tom) holds Kristina Osterhout (Hope).


Episode # 2040
January 4, 1974

Prologue:  Int.  Hospital Corridor, Off Addie’s Room


Doug and Tom are discussing Addie’s illness. Tom tells him that Addie needs chemotherapy as soon as possible. Doug says to give it to her. Tom says that Addie refuses because of the baby. Tom thinks that maybe Doug can go and talk to her and change her mind. Doug thinks it's time they stop the masquerade. He goes to talk to Addie.


Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Addie see Doug. She tells him that the doctors are keeping her because they think that the baby’s going to be born. Doug wants to tell her the truth. She tells him that he’s already said all the important things when he told her that he loved her. Addie talks of her insecurities about his love. Doug tells her that he loved her before he knew about the baby. Doug wants her to promise that she will follow whatever the doctors tell her to do. Addie promises she’ll be a very good girl. Doug stresses she need to follow EVERYTHING the doctors tell her to do. Addie asks if he’s been talking to her father. Doug confesses that he knows about her illness. He wants her to think about herself. She’s thinking about the baby. Doug insists that she has to have the treatment. Addie says she only has a little while left, while the baby will have a lifetime. Addie tells him she’s going to wait. Doug says she has to do the treatment now. The nurse comes in with baby monitoring equipment. Addie tells Doug that he better leave. He kisses her but before he goes he wants her to think about their future. He tells her nothing in this world would mean anything if he can’t share a future with her. Doug leaves. Alice steps off the elevator and runs into Doug. She asks about Addie. He doesn’t know what to tell her, then sees Tom. Alice sees the looks that Doug and Tom give to each other and knows that Tom must tell her.


Act One: Int. Hospital Corridor


Alice looks at Tom. Tom tells her that Mel is going to take the baby. Alice asks if she can see Addie but Tom says no because they’re installing the baby monitoring equipment.  Now Tom asks Doug if he talked to Addie. Doug said he did but from the look Doug gives Tom, he knows he didn’t convince her. Tom tells him to keep trying. Alice knows something’s up and asks if it has to do with the baby. Tom tells her to go to his office and he’ll explain it to her. Tom and Alice leave. Laura steps off the elevator and sees Doug. Laura asks if he told Addie that he knows about her illness. He tells her he did but he couldn’t change her mind. He asks Laura what he should do. Laura tells him to keep trying.  He says he’s going to go back to her room as soon as the nurses are done but Addie seems more firm in her decision. He thinks she’s going to try and give the baby as much time as it needs. Doug thinks this is all his fault. Laura tells him not to think that way. Doug says it is his fault because he put the idea of having a baby in her head. Laura said he was just trying to reassure her. Doug says that was after he tried to convince Addie that he didn’t want a baby. Laura says that he thought that she couldn’t have a baby. Even now, he says, he can’t convince Addie that he loves her, regardless of the baby. Addie is the only thing that matters to him. Laura says she can understand Addie’s state of mind. Addie loves him so deeply that she wants to give him this baby. Doug is frustrated and tells Laura that Addie needs the treatment. Laura tells him all Addie is thinking about is giving this baby a chance and that only can happen if the baby stays a little longer. Laura tells Doug that Addie is very courageous. Doug wishes she had less courage.

Int. Tom’s Office


Alice asks Tom if there’s some complication with the baby.


Act Two: Int. Tom’s Hospital Office

Alice tells Tom she knew something was wrong when she saw Doug’s face. Tom tells her he’s known for months. Alice asks why he kept this secret from her. He tells her that Addie swore him to it. He agreed that Alice shouldn’t know because she was so heartbroken over Mickey’s disappearance. Tom tells Alice that Addie has leukemia. Alice can’t believe it. She asks if Addie’s responding to treatment. Tom tells her that Addie has no treatment. Alice doesn’t understand why Addie would refuse, then she thinks about the baby Addie’s carrying. Alice understands that the baby is why Addie refused. Alice is holding back tears. She knows Addie's first thoughts would be the baby—and Doug. Now she realizes Tom’s burden of having to carry such a secret. Alice asks about the situation as it stands now. Tom tells her Addie's still waiting and giving the baby every chance to live. Alice thinks that Addie is right to refuse treatment. Addie has had such faith that what she’s doing is the right thing. Such faith, Alice believes, will be rewarded.


Int. Laura’s Office


Bill enters Laura’s office, having just heard the news about Addie. Laura is distraught and goes into his arms weeping. Bill says if Addie doesn’t take the chemo, Doug has to end this masquerade himself. Laura tells him Doug's tried. Bill says that they can’t let Addie do this. Laura tells him that it’s Addie's decision.


Act Three: Int. Hospital Chapel


Alice is alone asking God for help. She asks God to reward Addie for being so unselfish and not thinking of herself, but of the little baby she’s carrying.


Int. Waiting Area Off Addie’s Room


Doug thanks Bill for coming. Doug fills him in on Addie and Bill asks if he’s talked to Addie again. Doug says that the nurses have left and he is just going in to talk to her. Bill firmly tell Doug that he’s got to convince Addie to get the chemo. Doug knows but wonders how he’s going to convince her. Bill tells him to say that he’ll never forgive her, say anything, to convince her. Doug doesn’t think Bill realizes how much faith Addie has in her resolve to have this baby live. Doug says there’s something inside of her that makes her believe that everything will turn out all right. Bill is realizing that no one will convince Addie.  He apologizes to Doug for coming on too strong. Doug understands his concern because it is his sister. Bill tells him that Addie’s a lot like his mother.


Act Four: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Doug enters Addie’s room. It is full of equipment to monitor her as well as the baby’s heart. He thinks she was asleep but she tells him she was having a wide-awake dream of the three of them. Addie asks if he wants to hear it. Doug tells her that he has another dream about just the two of them being together. She understands his concern and tells him her dream is much better. She goes on to say in her dream, the baby is a boy. She starts describing his looks, his name (Bill) and how he's strong. Doug stops her, saying he can’t take this, and tells her that she’s got to take the chemo. Addie asks him to listen to her. Doug says that he has. Addie says he hasn’t listened to her heart. Addie takes his hand and tells him to have faith. She wants him to have the same deep faith that she has. She says that after he talked to her, she had a talk with God, and that her faith will get her through this illness. She asks Doug to really look at her. He sees her resolve, her faith, and relents. Addie tells him that she’ll take the treatments after they have the baby. Doug is overcome with emotion but understands.


Episode # 2041
January 7, 1974

Prologue: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Dr. Bailey and Tom are checking up on the baby. Addie asks if there’s a change. Tom tells her everything’s the same. Bailey says that the baby is holding his own. Bailey senses that Tom wants a moment with Addie and leaves. Tom asks her again how’s she’s feeling. She says she feels fine. He tells her that he told Alice about the leukemia. Addie has a look of distress, but she understands that she couldn’t keep the secret anymore. Addie asks if Alice is ok and Tom tells her she took it well. He asks if she would be up to seeing Alice. Addie agrees, saying that maybe she can make the news better for Alice. Tom says Alice wants to be close to her. Tom brings up Julie. Addie says she rather Julie not be told about her illness. Tom asks why. Addie says one reason is that Julie may be ready to settle down with Don Craig and Addie doesn’t want to ruin her happiness. Another reason is that Julie’s already had enough sadness in her life. Tom reminds her that Julie is her daughter. Addie knows that and regrets not being there for her all those years, the way a mother should have. She thinks this is one way she can be a mother to her—by letting her have her happiness and live her own life. Tom tries to convince her but she’s more certain that Julie shouldn’t know.


Julie is listening to the radio and “Look of Love” comes on. She remembers what she told Don about Doug. Doug has his own life to live with her mother. He has a child on the way. Then she says to herself: ”A child—I might have given you, Doug.”

Act One: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


As Alice enters the room, she looks at her daughter. Her eyes are misty, but she tries to smile. And Addie bravely returns the smile.

Act Two: 
 Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(Pick it up immediately between Alice and Addie as Alice goes to her daughter, gently takes her hand. This will be a long moment, played only with pictures, no words. Sheer beauty and courage of these two women will shine—as we feel Addie gain strength as she reveals to being her mother’s very small, long-ago daughter. And Alice will look at her first-born, not with dread and fear, but with hope and belief that God will grant her chapel prayers. There are tears in both women’s eyes, but of love. Take a tight shot of Addie and Alice’s hands as Addie grips her mother’s hand, asking for receiving hope and strength. Take all the time necessary for these two women to show their shared emotions.)


Alice enters and kisses her daughter’s hand. Addie asks her if she’s right to give her baby these days so that it can have every chance to survive. Alice tells her what she’s doing is right. Addie tells her that Tom and Bailey don’t agree with her. Alice dismisses their opinion because they don’t know how a mother feels towards their children. Addie sighs and tells her she knew she would understand. Alice tells her that she should have come to her but Addie didn’t want to worry her. She also had Mickey on her mind. Alice tells her not to worry about a thing, that she’s going to give Doug a beautiful baby. Addie is so relieved to be able to be open up to her about everything. She says she’s surrounded by so much love from all her family. Addie wishes she could only be as close to Julie as she is towards Alice. Alice tells her that it's never too late. Alice asks if she wants her to call Julie. Addie tells her no because she doesn’t want to be a burden to her. Alice thinks that Julie may need her like you need her right now. Addie tells her Julie has found a mother’s love in Phyllis Anderson.

Act Three: 
Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(As Tom and Mel Bailey study the monitor, react to what they see. They exchange a look, then Tom nods to Bailey, goes to Addie’s side. Her eyes are closed, there’s a peaceful little smile on her face)


Tom gently wakes up Addie but she tells him that she wasn’t sleeping. He has to tell her that there’s been a change in the baby’s heart- some electrical activity. Addie wants an explanation. Tom tells her that they must prepare for surgery immediately so that they don’t compromise the baby.


Act Four: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(Take it up immediately as Mel uses the phone in Addie’s room to alert O.R. Behind we see Addie as she stares questioningly up at Tom, letting his words sink in.)


Dr. Bailey makes a phone call to Nurse Steven to prepare the O.R. for Addie’s c-section. Addie looks up at Tom and then at the baby’s heart monitor with a worried look. Tom tells her not to worry, that they’re taking the baby now. He asks if she wants to see anyone before she goes to surgery. She asks to see Doug and the hospital chaplain. Addie worries that seeing the chaplain may make Doug worry but Tom comforts her by telling her that he’ll want you to have every comfort possible. Addie looks at Doug’s Christmas present to her, a jeweled crown, and smiles. Tom says that he loves her. Addie thanks him for his love and support, even against his wishes. She tells him that he gave her strength when she was afraid. Tom, a bit emotional, tells her all a father wishes is to have a daughter like her. Tom goes to get Doug and tells him they have to take the baby. Doug asks if Addie will be all right and Tom tells him that they’ll do everything they can. Tom explains that Addie wants to see the chaplain before surgery but she didn’t want to alarm him. Tom also tells Doug that she wants to see him now.

(Now Doug plays his greatest masquerade. He inhales deeply, then throws his shoulders back, generating strength. Almost angrily he dashes the tears from his eyes, and pastes a bright smile on his life. And as we pan with him as he enters Addie’s room, he plays his bright, positive self, although it’s killing him inside.)


Doug hears the machines and jokes that their baby is kicking up a fuss wanting to be born. Dr. Bailey tells Doug it's probably a boy and now he’s sure of it because no girl would cause such a commotion. Doug tries to play off his fear as Addie holds his hand and knows that he’s trying so hard to be strong.


Episode # 2042
January 8, 1974

Prologue: Int. Waiting Area Outside Addie’s Hospital Room


(Doug is sitting there alone, his head in his hands. Bring Alice off the elevator from the chapel, unaware of the new development about the baby. Instead of depression, she and Doug will play this scene with a positive, upbeat note)


Alice comes into the waiting room and sees Doug. He asks if she’s comes from the chapel and she says that’s where she gets her strength. Doug tells her that Dr. Bailey is going to take the baby now. Alice asks if he’s seen Addie and he says he’s seen her only for a moment. As Alice is about to open the door, Doug stops her and tells her that Addie’s with the chaplain now. Alice says that Addie would want to see him. Doug is glad that she knows everything about Addie’s condition and likes that she’s here in the hospital with him. He thinks of her like the mother he never knew. She says she’ll always be his mother. Doug tells her not to worry about the baby but Alice tells him she’s not worried and knows they will be fine. Doug asks how Alice finds the strength to give to all of them. She believes they’re getting their strength from Addie. She says she saw her earlier and Addie’s never looked more beautiful and at peace. She thanks him for giving her that kind of love. Doug thinks he hasn’t given her half the love she deserves. Alice thinks they’ll be plenty of time after the baby is born. Alice thinks she better call Julie. Doug tells her that he doesn’t want her to learn about the leukemia.

Act One: Limbo Hospital Hall Phone

Alice asks the operator to interrupt a call because it’s an emergency. She tells the operator she needs to reach Mrs. Julie Banning.

(SOUND: Telephone ringing at Julie’s Apartment.)


Alice has a frown on her face as she waits for Julie to answer the phone.


Act Two: Int. Waiting Area Outside Addie’s Room


Alice tells Doug that she’s tried calling everywhere to locate Julie. Doug thinks it may well be for the best. Alice and Doug see the minister walk out of the room. A nurse goes into the room to prep Addie for surgery. The minister approaches Alice and Doug. Alice thanks the minister for comforting Addie. He says that she’s a remarkable and courageous woman. Doug tells them he wants to see Addie and excuses himself. Alice tell the minister that Doug has been wonderful to her daughter. The minister tells her that Addie wanted him to tell her that she’s going to live. Alice tries to control her emotion, but tears fall from her face. She thanks the minister for the message. Tom exits the elevator and walks towards Alice and the minister. She gets out a handkerchief and dabs her eyes. Tom is concerned but she tells him that she’s all right.  Tom tells her about the c-section, but she tells him she already knows. She asks him why it's this soon. He says that they were going to wait but they saw increased electrical activity. Alice wants him to tell her the truth. Tom says that to wait any longer will compromise the baby. Addie agreed to the surgery. Alice knows she’ll be strong enough to fight for the baby, but wonders if she’ll be able to fight for herself. Tom says that they have to start the chemo as soon as the baby is born. Alice tells Tom that she prayed to God that if he spared the baby she would accept whatever fate. Tom stops her from finishing her thought. Alice tells Tom that they all have to do is keep believing. Alice wants a moment to see Addie, but Tom tells her that they need to take her up very soon. Alice agrees and tells him the only person Addie needs to be with her now is Doug.

Act Three: 
 Limbo Hospital Hall Phone

Alice tries again to reach Julie. She calls Bob Anderson and he answers. Alice tells him that his wife Phyllis thought Julie might be with him. Bob tells her that Julie was but just left. Alice tells him that Addie is going into surgery and if he sees Julie again to give her the message. Bob tells Alice that he probably won’t see her again and to give Addie his family’s good wishes for a healthy baby.

Act Four: 
Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(Doug is at Addie’s side. She has never looked more beautiful. Her head is wrapped for surgery. She smiles up at Doug, having a difficult time keeping her eyes open)


Addie is feeling sleepy and Doug tells her that the doctors gave her a sedative but she’ll be awake for the c-section. Addie asks whether Doug would like a boy or girl. He says he doesn’t care, anything is fine with him. Addie thinks he wants a boy because all men want boys. Doug tells her he wants a girl if she’s as beautiful as his wife. Addie tells him to remember “My Boy Bill,” and he tells her that he can’t forget. She says she’s going to try her best for a boy and won’t let him down. Doug doesn’t want her to talk that way. Addie wanted a few more days and Doug tries to calm her by joking that the baby will just be a couple more pounds. Addie tells him that she loves him. As Addie is going to say that he’s a wonderful…Doug interrupts and says “clown.” She agrees. Addie wants him to promise her something. She want him to take her to the lot that he picked out for their future house. Doug teases that he would but they had to take a detour to the hospital and have their baby. Doug describes the lot being by a lake, with trees, and lots of room: perfect for all of them. Addie can’t wait to see it. Doug tells her that first she has to deliver that baby of theirs. Addie asks Doug if he’s called Julie. He tells her that Alice has been trying to reach her. Addie wants him not to tell Julie “too much.” She says she has her own life to live. Doug agrees. Tom enters the room and motions to Doug that it’s time to take her up to the O.R. Doug kisses Addie’s forehead and she smiles at him. Addie tells Tom that she’s ready.

Episode # 2043
January 9, 1974

Prologue: Int. Waiting Area Outside Addie’s Room


(Area outside surgery, in close on a clock which reads 2:00pm. Camera pulls back to show Laura with Doug. She gives his arm a pat)


Laura tells Doug that she has an appointment with a patient but to call her with any news on Addie. Doug nods and Laura exits.

Act Two: Int. Waiting Room Outside Surgery


(Open on Doug, staring at the clock. It says 2:15pm. He is alone as we hear his train of thought)


Doug is alone in the waiting room. He doesn’t know how to pray but asks God to let Addie live and their baby to be healthy. He then thinks about the moment they had in Addie’s room about wanting a boy or girl and talking about their future house. As he’s daydreaming, he faintly hears Julie’s voice and thinks about her not knowing about the surgery. He goes to the hospital phone to call her apartment, but Julie is with Don. He finally hangs up and asks himself why he’s so relieved that he hasn’t gotten a hold of her. Doug thinks it is because he doesn’t want to tell her about the leukemia.


Act Three: Limbo Hospital Phone

Doug tries calling Don, but he just left with Julie. Doug wonders where they both are.


Act Four: Limbo Hospital Phone

Doug again calls Julie’s apartment where Julie is about to pick up but gets distracted by Don and the celebration of their engagement. Don distracts her as she’s picking up the phone and it goes dead on the other line before Doug can talk to her.


Episode # 2045
 January 11, 1974

Prologue: Limbo Hospital Phone


Doug is talking to the operator about the line of Julie’s apartment but the operator tells him that the line is still out of order.


Int. Operating Room


(In tight on three members of the surgical team at work, Dr. Bailey moving at top speed, Tom assisting. The surgical nurse looks at an indicator, reacts)


In surgery, the nurse tells Dr. Bailey and Tom that Addie is losing blood. Tom orders two more units of blood. Bailey tells the team to pick it up as he asks the nurse for a clamp.


Int. Waiting Room Outside Operating Room


Alice enters the waiting room and looks at Doug.


Act One: Int. Waiting Room Outside Operating Room


Doug is still trying to contact Julie. He tells Alice that the line is not out of order, but now no one’s answering the phone.


Act Two: Int. Waiting Room Outside Surgery


Doug is pacing back and forth. Alice asks him if he wants some coffee. Alice tells him that “no news, is good news.”


(At this moment, a nurse comes down the hall with more whole blood. The door to surgery swings open for a brief moment, and a surgical nurse in mask takes the unit and immediately returns to surgery. As his happens, Laura gets off the elevator, takes in the scene at a glance. She joins Doug and Alice)


Laura asks if there’s any news on Addie. Doug tells her no. He asks if the blood that they just brought is for Addie. Laura tells him that having a c-section is major surgery. Doug thinks Addie is losing blood. Laura says it's to be expected. Alice worries about her condition. Laura suspects that the team is packing her with red cells. Tom comes out of surgery and tells them that Bailey is ready to take the baby out. Doug asks what’s taking them so long. Tom says that they had to stop the bleeding. He asks about Addie and Tom tells them that she’s holding her own. Alice asks about the baby. Tom says they don’t know yet. Laura thinks that Addie would want Tom in surgery. Tom agrees and goes back to scrub in.  He tells Doug that he’ll be there when the baby is born. Doug tells him to take care of her and all that matters is Addie. Tom leaves to go back into surgery. Alice thinks Tom wants them to be prepared. Laura disagrees and tells her that he just wants to reassure them because the surgery is taking longer than they expected. Doug worries about Addie. Laura tells Doug that nothing is going to happen because Bailey and Tom won’t let it. She tells him that he has to be strong for Addie and hang on. He says that he’ll try. Alice tells him that he’s not alone, that they’re all there to help. Alice turns to Laura and tells her that she would feel better if Julie were here. Laura tells him that Bob left her office and promised to stop by Julie's apartment to find out why the phone’s out of order.

Act Three: 
Int. Hallway Julie's Apartment


Bob gets to Julie’s Apartment. Inside Don and Julie are celebrating their engagement. He rings the doorbell, but Don and Julie let it ring. He rings it again and the lovers forget about the door. Bob leaves.


Int. Surgery


(In tight on Dr. Bailey and Tom, both of their faces intent above their masks)


Dr. Bailey is ready to take the baby out.

Act Four: 
Int. Surgery


(It is important in this scene that we stay in close on Addie’s face, do not see and only barely hear the voices and actions of the O.S. operating team. Addie is heavily sedated, but awake. This is like a surrealistic dream world in which her face floats in a misty darkness. From time to time, we will hear Tom’s voice reassuring her, but this will be the only audible voice other than Addie’s. Her eyes will be open at times, half-closed at others, as she fights an increasing drowsiness)


Addie is asking Tom why it is taking so long. Addie is sedated and Tom’s voice seems far away. She asks if he’s there and Tom reassures her that everything’s all right. She tells him that she can’t see him. He says he’s right there. She asks about the baby. As she’s talking to Tom, Bailey is asking for a clamp and sutures. Addie is now asking Tom not to lie to her about the baby. She says she promised Doug a perfect baby. She says she can’t fail him and says she’s failed him so often. During this time we see Doug’s face over Addie’s as she thinks of their wedding vows. She keeps talking, telling Tom that Doug didn’t love her at first. That he loved someone else. Then we see Julie’s face. Addie thinks of the conversation she had with Julie where Julie tells her that Doug will tire of her and come running back to her.  Now Addie is talking out loud saying that Doug loves her and he wants their baby. Addie goes back to asking about the baby. Bailey tells the team to put Addie under because he’s going to take the baby now. Addie is asking where she is and not to leave her and that she's worried about the baby.


As the screen starts to go black, Addie’s eyes close and we hear Tom’s voice say, very gently, "It’s a girl, Addie. A perfect—baby girl."


(And on the…SOUND: CRY OF THE BABY, GROWING LOUDER AND LOUDER…as Addie’s face fades, we Fade to Black)


Episode # 2046
 January 14, 1974

Prologue: Limbo Area of Surgery


(Few minutes after close of yesterday’s episode. Close on Addie. Her eyes blink, then close. After beat, Tom’s face comes in close to Addie’s)


TOM: Addie—it’s a girl. You have a perfect baby girl.

(He smiles tenderly as he sees that Addie is deep in sleep. His hand gently smooths back her hair)

TOM (vo): Perhaps it’s just as well she didn’t hear me. Doug’s the one who should give her the wonderful news...Just sleep, darling. And when you wake up, your husband is going to tell you that you have a beautiful, and perfect, little baby girl.

Int. Waiting Area Outside Surgery


(Doug, Alice, Laura. Establish their long and anxious wait, their moods. Then bring Tom out of surgery.)


ALICE: Tom--?

(Tom comes to them, deeply emotional. But the glow in his eyes tells them the news is good about the baby)

TOM: A baby girl—

(General soft reaction, but Doug has only one thing on his mind)

DOUG: Addie—Tom,  is Addie all right--?
(Tom reassures him)

TOM: She’s sleeping, Doug—

LAURA: A little girl.

TOM: Five pounds, ten ounces—and perfect in every way.

ALICE: (going into his arms)  Oh, Tom—

TOM: Yes, darling—perfect right down to her little toes.

ALICE: God was listening, Tom.

(Laura hugs Doug. Speaks wistfully)

LAURA: Did you hear that, Doug? You have a perfect baby girl.

(Doug barely nods. When he speaks, he means Addie)

DOUG: I want to see her.

TOM: You can see your baby when she’s taken to the nursery, Doug.

DOUG: I mean my wife.

TOM: Mel is still finishing up—

LAURA: It’ll be a while yet, Doug.

TOM: I’ll arrange for you to see Addie in the recovery room—

LAURA: They’ll let you know the minute she wakens.

TOM: And then you can tell her the good news yourself

(Camera moves in close on Laura)

LAURA (vo): A little girl. Perhaps—when Bill and I are married...Strange, how things work out. How we all protected Mickey. Kept him from knowing Michael was not his son. And he’s out there somewhere...not knowing he never can father a child...

Act Two: Int.
 Julie’s Apartment


Julie decides to tell her mother about her elopement to Don. She calls the apartment and Mrs. Boatwright answers. She tells Julie that her mother is at the hospital having the baby. Mrs. Boatwright wonders why they didn’t call her. Julie says they probably have tried but she’s been in and out. Julie then calls the maternity ward at the hospital. She asks the nurse, Miss Blair, if her mother has had the baby. The nurse tells her that she just had a baby girl. She thanks her, shaken, but feels warmth inside about having a new little sister.


(Julie is shaken. But she cannot help but respond with some degree of warmth even as her entire past envelopes her as she hangs up—we cut back to nurse, as Laura and Alice approach)


Laura and Alice have reached the nursery. They ask the nurse if they can see the baby. The nurse brings the baby to the window and both Laura and Alice admire how tiny she is. Alice says her prayers were answered. Laura tells her that Alice’s prayers were answered too. She admits hers came so late and wonders if she had known all along whether she would have agreed with Tom or Addie. Laura tells her perhaps holding off on the treatments was the right thing to do. Laura comforts Alice as she nods to the nurse to put the baby back into the crib. Laura tells Alice that Addie's going to begin treatments right away. Alice says that Addie must be given the chance to share this new baby with Doug. Laura tells her to keep the faith. Alice questions herself and how torn she is about Mickey. She says it was hard to give her heart equally to her children who were in need of it and how it wasn’t simple. Laura agrees.

Int. Recovery Room


(Doug is there beside Addie. Addie’s eyes flutter, then open to see her husband. She is still in a dream-like state)


Addie wakes up to see Doug. She asks about the baby.

Act Three:
Int. Recovery Room


ADDIE: (weak) Doug—tell me—

DOUG: We have our baby, Addie—and it’s a perfect baby—

ADDIE: You—you’re not just saying that--?

DOUG: Sssh—don’t you want the full report?

ADDIE: Perfect?

DOUG: In every way.

ADDIE: You saw him--?

DOUG: Its—her, Addie. A little girl.

ADDIE: We—have a baby girl--?

DOUG: Tom says she is perfect right down to her little toes.

ADDIE: Doug—you wouldn’t say this—just because I’m—

DOUG: No, Addie—never.

ADDIE: I—remember hearing the baby cry. I thought something—was wrong—

DOUG: There’s something wrong. She’s got my good lungs, that’s all. (kisses her gently) And your good heart.

(Addie’s eyes fill with tears)

ADDIE: God listened, didn’t he.

DOUG: He listened.

ADDIE: (beat) But—I’ve disappointed you—having a girl.

DOUG: How in the world can you say a thing like that.

ADDIE: What about—Our Boy Bill--?

DOUG: Addie—all I’ve ever wanted was you. And now I’ve got a miniature you, besides.

(A smile of radiance lights Addie’s face, even though she is exhausted and close to slipping off to sleep again)

ADDIE: (weakly) I wanted so much to give you this baby—but—I want—to say—so much—to you—

DOUG: (soothing her as she goes off) I’ll be right here—right here—

Act Four: Int. Recovery Room
(Addie’s eyes are now closed in fast sleep. Tom enters. He moves to bed, checks Addie)


Tom enters and checks on Addie. Doug asks if she’s sleeping because she needs it. Tom says she was pretty exhausted. Doug wants the truth about her health. Tom tells him that she’s been through a lot but holding her own. Doug tells him when she regains her strength, they’ll start the chemo. Tom corrects him and tells him they’re starting the treatment right away. Doug wants to know if they’ll see improvement in her condition right away. Tom tell him it all depends whether she responds to the treatment. He tells him that Addie will be sleeping for a while and to go and see his beautiful baby girl. Doug tells him he’ll go to see her later and wants to stay with Addie. Tom tells him that she’s going to sleep for a while.


Episode # 2048
 January 16, 1974

Prologue: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(Close on Addie, looking very pale. She is very weak. Her eyes are closed. Doug is by her side)


Act One: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room

(Doug is by her side. After a moment, Addie slowly opens her eyes. She is very weak, pale. Doug is deeply aware of how much weaker she is getting. He tries to bring a gentle brightness and sense of hope to her)


Doug is by Addie’s side as she awakens. He tells her he’s making plans for their new home. She jokingly admires his making plans.


Act Two: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(Doug and Addie. Throughout the scene Doug’s brightness is an effort to give Addie hope. She is aware of his efforts, and loves him all the more for it. But they both know she is much weaker)


Doug tells her about the house and goes to get blue prints. Addie asks if she’s been sleeping much. Doug tells her she’s been sleeping on and off. She tells him she’s been busy. Doug says she’s been busy making changes to the house too. Addie says is there something wrong with the plans. Doug says nothing’s wrong, but there can be better improvements made to them. Doug brings up the music room. Addie is afraid that he’s not going to have one. Doug tells her that maybe they should move it to another part of the house. The way the plans are set, the music room is all the way at the other end of the house. He thinks they should move it right by the master bedroom. It’ll be soundproof, so they can’t hear the music. Addie thinks that’s a great idea. She says that he can drop by and see the baby.  Addie wants Doug to tell her about the baby. He says that she’s as beautiful as her mother and got the lungs of her father. She wants to see the baby. Doug says as soon as she’s strong enough she can see her, but she keeps falling asleep. She apologizes and thinks it’s the medication. She asks Doug whether she’s responding to the treatment. Doug asks her if she feels stronger. She thinks she does. She thinks its because she wants to hold their baby. Doug tells her he has some good news. Tom is going to bring in the baby to her room. She is so happy.


(This reassurance tires Addie happily and Doug sees that she needs to fall back into restful sleep)


Doug tells her to rest a while and they’ll bring the baby in a little later. She falls asleep.

Int. Waiting Area Outside Addie’s Room


(Julie appears from elevator. She moves toward door, hesitantly, knowing she cannot go in. She stands a moment, then takes a step or two away. Looks back. And waits. Her face reflecting concern and uncertainty)


Act Three: Int. Waiting Area Outside Addie’s Room


The nurse goes into Addie’s room to check on her. As she open the door, Julie sees a glimpse of Doug and her mother. The nurse nods to Doug that it’s time to check her and he needs to leave. He goes to talk to Julie. Julie asks him about Addie. He tells her she’s resting. Then Julie asks about the baby. Doug tells her that the baby is fine. Julie asks if her mother has seen the baby yet. He tells her that the nurse hasn’t taken the baby to the room yet. Addie needs to rest. Julie asks who the baby looks like. Doug says he hasn’t seen the baby yet. Julie is curious as to why he hasn’t seen the baby. Doug thinks that if it wasn’t for the baby, Addie wouldn’t be so sick as she is now. Julie thinks he can’t blame the baby. She tells him that Addie was so happy throughout the pregnancy. She says that giving him this child meant more to her then anything.

Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


(The nurse is refilling Addie’s IV. After a moment, take Addie, as her eyes flutter open)


Addie wakes up and asks for Doug. The nurse tells him he’s just outside. Addie thinks Doug has been wonderful always staying by her side. She thinks he gives her the courage to fight to get well. The nurse comes back to tell her that he went to see the baby. Addie is smiling to hear the news. The nurse goes on to say that he went with her daughter to see the baby together. Addie’s smile fades slightly.

Int. Nursery


(And the window of babies. Bring Julie and Doug into the picture)


Act Four: Int. Nursery


(A nurse is holding the child up for Doug and Julie to see. Take their reactions. Doug at first doesn’t have much of a reaction. Julie is somewhat overwhelmed by mixed emotions)


Julie sees her baby sister and thinks she’s so tiny. Doug agrees and thinks she’s a present. Julie says she was almost a Christmas baby.  Doug is warming to the baby and thinks she looks bright. Julie thinks she takes after her father and mother. Doug is now asking if she’s prettier than most new babies.  Julie is amused by this and plays along saying that she’s much prettier. He says it gives him a funny feeling. He is overwhelmed. Julie tells him that he’ll be a good father. Julie notices that Doug is crying. He thanks her for insisting that he go meet his daughter. Julie’s glad she was here with him for the first time he meets her and calls her his own little “princess.” A new father comes to the nursery wanting to see his child. Doug gives him directions on what to do and the man asks him which one is his child. Doug points to his baby and the man comments that she looks just like her mother (which the man thinks is Julie.) Julie’s hit hard by the man’s words and Doug notices it. She tells him that it hit her so hard because it could have been the baby that she always wanted to give him. Don comes to the nursery as he sees Doug consoling Julie.

Episode # 2049
 January 17, 1974 


Prologue: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Addie is sad because she can’t face Julie right now. Tom stands close to her. He tells her that Julie is worried for her. She understands but doesn’t want to see her all alive and full of life and here she is all pale and sickly. Tom tells her she’s beautiful.


Act Two: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Addie is pensive as the nurse checks on her IV. She’s remembering what Tom said about Julie. Addie is thinking whether she’s letting her past with Julie cloud her judgment on whether to see her. She wonders if she’s being fair to her first daughter.

Act Three: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Addie is still thinking about Julie. She’s talking to herself about her insecurities about her daughter. She recalls the first time Julie told her about Doug. We see the flashback scene between them where Julie tells her that Doug has loved her before her marriage and since they got marriage. Addie screams out  in pain, NO, NO. Addie tells Julie that she doesn’t believe her. Julie says that Doug doesn’t want to hurt her. Then Julie questions whether she wants a man’s pity for the rest of her life. Addie is adamant that he married HER. Julie says he only married her because she asked. Addie says he didn’t have to say yes. Julie tells her that they had a misunderstanding. Then she tells her that her honeymoon in Portofino was meant for HER. Julie tells her that they were going to be married. Addie keeps telling her that he married him. Julie tells her that he’s sorry he ever did. Julie calls her an old money with money. She can’t believe she’s talking this way- to her own mother. Julie blames her for her upbringing.

Act Four: 
Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Laura is there to prepare Addie to meet her daughter. Addie wanted to put on a new nightgown but the nurse wouldn’t let her. Laura tells her not to worry. She tells Laura that she wants to only share this moment with Doug. Addie asks one last time how she looks and Laura tells her she looks beautiful.


(And quickly she exits, tears in her eyes. Addie awaits breathlessly. A moment , then bring Doug into the room wearing surgical mask)


He brings their daughter over. Addie’s a bit frightened and wonders if she looks like her.  The nurse takes the baby and gently puts it in Doug’s arms. Then he places the baby in Addie’s arms.


DOUG: Mrs. Williams—meet your daughter.

ADDIE: You were right—she is beautiful.

DOUG: Why not? Look at her mother. See? I didn’t steer you wrong—the most perfect baby this hospital’s ever seen.

ADDIE: I promised you..

DOUG: And you kept your promise. Our daughter Addie—yours and mine.

Episode # 2050
 January 18, 1974 


Prologue: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room


Repeat of Doug presenting their daughter to Addie. Addie can’t believe how perfect her little girl is. She is in tears. Doug is talking again about their house and how he can’t wait to get them home, so she needs to fight to get well. Addie promises she’s going to get well as fast as she can. Doug tells her she better because there’s a whole lifetime they have to spend together.


Act Four: After Addie finally lets Julie see her, they talk about the past. Julie’s really happy for her new little sister. Julie tells her mother that she loves her. They reconcile and agree to keep the past where it belongs. Doug is waiting for the ladies to finish up their conversation but can’t wait, so he peeks inside Addie’s door. Addie wants to see him and Julie leaves. Addie tells Doug that she’s tired but so happy because Julie loves her and they have made amends. She wants to live for this baby now more than ever.


Episode # 2054
 January 24, 1974 

Act Four: Int. Addie’s Hospital Room
Addie has woken up and Doug tells her that their baby needs a name. He asks if she’s decided on one. She says she can’t seem to make up her mind on one. Doug tells her she’s a slow poke. She asks if he’s thought of one. He says that he’s been thinking of one. She asks if he’s really serious on thinking of a name for the baby.

DOUG: Looking at—what you are. What there is about you, Your courage, your trust…

ADDIE: Oh, Doug…

DOUG: But most of all…Well, your---HOPE.

(Addie’s eyes light up at this word for a name)

ADDIE: Hope?

DOUG: It's something you’ve had all along for the three of us…

(Addie’s eyes fill with tears)

ADDIE: You want to name the baby Hope?

DOUG: Yes—if you do…

ADDIE: I can’t think of a more beautiful name. Our little girl—Hope.

(He takes her hand)

DOUG: Which we’ll never lose.

ADDIE: You’ll never lose Hope now, Doug.

(Doug studies her, uncertain about her reference to only the baby.)

DOUG: (shaken) Not—just the baby…

ADDIE: I know, darling.

DOUG Promise me you won’t give up. Because all the hope I have comes from you, Addie.

ADDIE: I—promise.

DOUG: You wouldn’t kid a guy, would you?

ADDIE: Would I kid the father of my child? (But this is too much for her and she turns her face away) Oh, dear, I didn’t know choosing a name could be so—exhausting…

DOUG:  I’d—better let you rest now…

ADDIE: No—no, I don’t want to sleep now—because there’s something I want to do…(summoning strength) Would you please—go out and look for Julie—tell her I want to see her…

Doug leaves to get Julie in the waiting area.