"Days of Christmas Past":  1970


                                                                       Macdonald Carey              Frances Reid                   John Clarke
                                                                                (Tom)                            (Alice)                           (Mickey)


                                                                        Denise Alexander           Edward Mallory             Susan Flannery
                                                                                (Susan)                           (Bill)                             (Laura)


                                                                         Susan Seaforth                  Bill Hayes                   Margaret Mason
                                                                                (Julie)                            (Doug)                            (Linda)


                                                                                               John Howard                   Alan Decker
                                                                                                     (Cliff)                            (Michael)

Episode # 1293

Air Date: December 23, 1970


Bill and Linda are on the phone. They discuss meeting for lunch and Linda helping Bill look for his mother Alice’s Christmas present.

In the Horton Living Room, Laura asks Bill to play Santa Claus for the children at the hospital. Bill doesn’t want to and suggests that Doug do it.

Doug and Julie are flirting on the phone getting ready to meet. Doug wonders to himself if it’s too early in the day for martinis.


Bill and Linda meet for lunch and discuss shopping for Alice’s present. Linda says she misses her own mother (Claire, who committed suicide) and that her father, Cliff, will be coming for a visit. She asks Bill about his feelings towards Laura, and he states that she is Mickey’s wife.


As Doug is getting ready for Julie’s arrival, Laura shows up and asks him to try and convince Bill to play Santa. Doug agrees to try his best.


Back in the Horton Living Room, Bill tells Alice he had a good time with Linda at lunch. She tells him that she approves of her. Alice talks about planning a surprise party for Mickey and Laura on New Year’s Eve since it is their anniversary.  The doorbell rings and it’s a special delivery from Paris, addressed to Tom and Alice.  It’s a Christmas card with a handwritten note from Addie and Steven: “Dear Mom and Everyone, Just a hasty note to say that I won’t be able to surprise you by getting home for Christmas after all. But I want you to know of my decision to return to Salem, perhaps sometime in January or February. I’ll keep in touch. I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love, Addie…” Alice comments that Addie hasn’t been the same since Ben died. Bill disagrees. He says that she’s detached herself from her family and kids, calls Addie vain and thinks that she’s jealous of Julie’s beauty.  He thinks Julie’s “messy life” is cause by Addie’s attitude towards her.

Meanwhile, Julie arrives at Doug’s with a small gift in her hand.


Doug and Julie are toasting to Christmas. Doug opens his gift and it’s a watch with the inscription “To my secret love..” He loves it and Julie puts it on him. Julie opens her gift to see a “very sexy jump suit, maybe in leather, but something easy to slip into.”  She goes to the bathroom to try it on. They worry about their presents because people will ask where they got the gifts. She talks about having no tree stand and David stepping on a box or ornaments and the tree lights not working. She says that David wanted to see Santa but she made up some story about Santa having an emergency in the North Pole. Julie comes out of the bathroom with her sexy outfit. She says it is really low cut in front and Doug comments that’s why he bought it. Doug whistles at her. He takes her in and kisses her.

Episode # 1294
Air Date: December 24, 1970


Laura calls Doug, waking him up and asking him about getting Bill to play Santa. Doug then calls the Horton house and reaches Tom, who then hands the phone to Bill. Doug insists that Bill stop by his place to run over some music. As they hang up, the camera pans to a Santa costume at Doug’s. 


Tom and Laura are at the Children’s Ward admiring the decorations. He tells her that she did a good job. She tells Tom of her worries about Doug not bringing Bill to play Santa. Tom tells her that he doesn’t believe Bill will let her down.

Bill is not happy having to go to Doug’s. He complains about Sergio requesting new music and Doug tells him to get to work. Doug pretends to look for the music he lost. He tells Bill to look inside the box and Bill opens it to see the Santa suit. Bill is not in the mood for a joke. Doug locks his door and tells him that he’s going to convince him to say yes! 


Bill tells Doug that he is ashamed because he had his medical license suspended for a year and does not want the others at the hospital to rub his nose in it. Doug tells him that no one will recognize him in the Santa suit. He talks about doing it for the kids who are stuck in the hospital. Doug hands him the costume and Bill starts undressing and putting the costume on. Doug helps him stuff pillows and tells him how he melts for his nephew, little Mike. Bill starts lighting up and takes another pillow and jokingly hits Doug with it. 


Mickey and Linda are in his office. He locks the door and flirts with her. He tells her that he has two gifts for her and asks her to open them. She opens the first box to find a robe (which Laura had unknowingly picked out) and the second box contains a necklace. Linda’s excited because next year the three of them (Mickey, Linda, and the upcoming baby) can spend Christmas around the tree. Linda hands him a present: a gold locket, which Linda tells him is a family heirloom. It used to be that the men in her family would wear it with their watch chain but now they can use it to put a picture and a lock of their baby’s hair when he/she is born. They gently kiss.

In the hospital corridor, a worried Laura sees Doug and a dressed up Bill walking towards her.


The scene opens in progress in the children’s ward of the hospital as Doug and Bill do their act with the children. The kids are of every race, with at least one in a wheelchair. A few kids are heavily bandaged, a couple are bed patients, perhaps one is in an oxygen tent. Tom and Laura watch the scene in the background as Doug opens the party with a charming line of patter. Bill as Santa is offscreen at the moment. There is a piano in the ward, and Doug sits down to play a few bars of “Santa Claus is Comin' to Town.” Doug tells the kids since they’ve been super good, that Santa is not waiting for them to be asleep in their beds, but coming here to the hospital right now to give them their presents. Doug breaks out into “Jingle Bells,” as Bill makes his entrance, a bag of toys slung over his shoulders, playing the role to the hilt. Take the reactions of the kids as they clap and squeal. Take Tom and Laura as they look at each other, all smiles. And Doug asks the kids to sing with him. They are getting their gifts. He tells the kids that the doctor over there (pointing at Laura) is the one that made this party and gets her to pass out the stockings full of candy. Then he sees Tom and gets him to join in singing and passing out balloons. Doug wants everyone to wake the hospital so they sing louder. Laura meets up with Bill and thanks him. She tells him that he’s beautiful and he says the same to her. They both say Merry Christmas to each other as the camera pans to the party, kids singing, and the scene fades to black.

Episode # 1295
Air Date: December 25, 1970 


Mickey enters the den to see a mountain of presents, mostly for Mike, under the tree.  Mickey reflects about Laura and Mike coming downstairs, while he has Linda, across town, pregnant with their child. He comments that each day that he’s married to Laura, he feels more alive and has reservations about what to do.

Over at Linda’s Apartment, Linda is staring at a little plastic tree. She thinks about Christmas being lonely, but that next year she’ll have a family with Mickey and their child. Mickey calls and wishes her a Merry Christmas. Linda compares his family life to the life they will have next year- as a family. He lies and tells Linda that he hears Mike coming down the stairs and hangs up. Off in the distance, he hears Laura telling Mike to wake up and find “Daddy.” 


Alice walks into the Horton Living Room to see the tree. Tom approaches her and put his hands over her eyes, kissing her. Bill enters the room and wishes them a Merry Christmas. They all talk about the meaning of Christmas. Tom and Alice leave and Bill calls Linda and wishes her a Merry Christmas. He thinks about calling the person that’s been on his mind but doesn’t and goes into the kitchen.

Laura and Mike are in the den. Mike is staring at the tree and presents, telling Mickey he’s sorry he’s late but his mom made him get dressed. Mike starts opening the presents. Mickey and Laura are looking at each other, smiling, while Mickey is thinking about his dilemma.  


Mike is opening his presents. He gets a sled and a hockey stick. Mike opens his present from Alice, a big game, and asks Mickey to teach him how to play it. Laura then gives Mike a special present from his godfather:  a Cubs baseball uniform. Laura gives Mickey a cashmere sports coat, and he gives her a fur coat. She asks if it’s real and he jokes. Their lips meet and Mike sees them.  


Susan’s Apartment is decorated with some little trees and a couple of presents. As Susan is looking out the window at the snow, someone unexpected arrives at the door: Bill. He gives her a present of perfume. He says he’ll visit her at Christmas every year- like a tradition. They speak about the time when he was just a resident and she was trying to find the time to spend with Scott and David. Bill feels bad for bringing up Julie. He tries to change the subject by accusing her of forgetting his gift, but she shows him a box and he guesses it’s a tie. Bill tells her that he feels bad he can’t invited her to his family’s Christmas dinner because Julie will be there. She asks if Linda will be there and he says that she’s going to be with her father. She tells him that Linda would be good for him. Pg. 35: At Linda’s, she hurries to the door to open it and see her father, Cliff, smiling at her. 


Linda and her dad, Cliff, sit down and she offers him a drink. She tells him it’s good to see him. They talk about it being a long time since they’ve seen other. She makes excuses about her school work and he jokes about her being a psychology major who’s now a legal secretary. She’s glad that she’s in Salem. He talks about her letters and how her boss and her job have taken a lot of time and he worries about her dating.  She talks about how’s she growing up, she’s now a woman. Cliff talks about his job in insurance and that he will be retiring soon. He asks her to come visit him this summer and she says that she can’t. He tells he that he can send her the money if that’s the problem. She tries to change the subject and offers him another glass of sherry. He suspects something is up, that she’s covering something, but he accepts the sherry and makes a toast to Salem and their “golden streets.”

Episode # 1296
Air Date: December 28, 1970


As Mickey is about to leave for the office, Laura tells him that this has been the happiest Christmas ever. Mickey talks about Mike and how he really had two Christmases: here and at Grandma’s. Laura talks about Tom and Alice wanting to know their plans for New Year’s Eve. He reminds her about it being their anniversary and he’ll do whatever she wants to do. She wants to have a quiet evening with his folks. Mickey agrees. She goes on about being so happy.  All Mickey can do to ease his conscience is to kiss her on the head. She questions why Mickey has to be at the office so early. He tells her that Linda’s not going to be there to open the office because of her father being here to visit, so it’s up to him to open up. She thinks it’s a good idea to invite them to dinner and he deflects by telling her that she might want to spend some alone time with him. She trusts his judgment on Linda and whether to invite her for dinner. 


Linda and Cliff are eating breakfast. He tells her that she’s a great cook and will make a great wife someday. She talks about having a family someday and Cliff notices that she sounds like she already has found the man. She questions why he said that and he tells her usually someone changes because they have met someone special. He notices she has an “inner glow.” She covers and tells him that she finds her job very satisfying and praises Mickey. They talk about how she misses her mother. She tells him that she felt desperate until she came here to Salem. They both talk about asking themselves why “mother did it?” She tells him to stop blaming himself for her suicide-that they’ll never know why she did it. 


Mickey’s at his desk working as Linda peeks in and they flirt and embrace. He asks about her breakfast and if she discussed their situation with her father. She says of course not, but was tempted because this would be a happy event for them. She tells him that she asked him to come by the office and Mickey, feeling trapped, says he’s looking forward to it. Mickey’s feeling guilty because she tells him about coming home next summer. He tells her that he complicated her life. She tells him that she doesn’t mind because she knows they’ll be happy and her father will be happy the day she tells him about their baby and starting a family. She tells him that her father’s been very lonely without her mother but this time next year, he’ll have something to be happy about.  


In the Horton Living Room, Tom and Bill look over at their presents. Tom finds it funny with all the ties he’s gotten this year. They start making fun of the ties the patients have given to him. Bill answers the phone and it’s Laura. He tells her of the tie Mike gave him: a bright red tie. She tells him that he picked it out all by himself. Bill intends to wear it. Laura tells Bill she is accepting Alice’s New Year’s Eve invitation. She again thanks him for playing Santa this year. They hang up. He tells Tom that Mickey and Laura have accepted invitation. Bill tells him that he thought it was a party. Tom tells him they had to lie in order to surprise them. He starts talking about Bill taking Linda to the party. Bill talks about his job at Sergio’s with Doug but they should have time to join the party. Bill asks if Tom likes Linda as much as Alice? Tom tells him that she’s a lovely girl. They talk about having her and her father over for dinner. Bill talks about trying to start over and make a better life for himself, perhaps with Linda: that may be his New Year’s resolution. Tom asks if he has others? He tells him that he’s going to stop feeling sorry for himself.

Linda is busy typing as her father walks into the office. He likes the look of the office and she tells him to wait until he meets her boss.  


Mickey and Cliff are shaking hand as Linda is beaming with pride. Mickey and Linda compliment each other as a good team at work. She excuses herself as she needs to finish her typing. The men start talking about Linda being great. Cliff tells him that he was surprised about her taking this job because of her major in college. He thought that she was going to go into teaching close to home, in Hartford, but then her mother died. Cliff tells her of the letters she wrote about Mickey and how he has a lovely family. Cliff tells him that Linda may be independent but underneath she’s very sensitive and vulnerable. Cliff starts talking about Linda living a sheltered life but that he’s very proud of how she turned out. He asks Mickey for a favor: to keep an eye on her and see that she meets a good man.