Episode # 2
Air Date: Tuesday, November 9, 1965
Tape Date: Monday, November 1, 1965

(00:00-00:30) Opening Title with ED PRENTISS voiceover: "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. 'Days of Our Lives' - a new dramatic serial starring Macdonald Carey."
(00:30-03:56) Scene 1: Police Station (Tom, Mickey, Julie, Detective)
[A few moments have passed since episode # 1. JULIE is continuing her defense to TOM and MICKEY while the DETECTIVE listens in.]
JULIE: But that’s the point. Carol and Diane both blamed it on me and they got to go home, no questions asked.
MICKEY: If you just calmed down, Julie, maybe we can get you home, too.
JULIE: You think I took that stole, don’t you Uncle Mickey?
TOM: Look, Julie, nobody’s condemning you. We want to help.
JULIE: They let Carol and Diane go home, (snaps her fingers) just like that. But not me. Why?
TOM: We’re trying to locate your parents. Once we do…
JULIE (cuts him off, hysterical): I don’t care about them, Grandpa! That’s why I called you! I don’t see why you keep trying to call them on the phone. They’re never there. I told you that. (Points to the DETECTIVE) I tried to tell him that too but he doesn’t believe anything I say!
DETECTIVE: That’s the way it’s been ever since we picked her up.
MICKEY: Let me see that report again, will you, Mike?
[The DETECTIVE hands MICKEY the report].
TOM: Julie, the detective is just trying to do his job. He claims that he saw you take that fur piece. Your friends back him up.
MICKEY: And so does the clerk.
TOM: Julie, when you were very young, maybe 4, maybe 5 years old, we went to Meadow Lake Park once, just you and me. You got lost, remember? (JULIE shakes her head yes). You ran around that park, screaming for your Grandpa. That’s all you could do was scream. You couldn’t remember your name, your grandfather’s name, or anything else. All you could do was yell and cry and kick up the dirt. Do you remember why?
JULIE: I guess I was scared.
TOM: Ah huh. You know you’ve been doing that ever since, Julie?
JULIE: Getting lost?
TOM: No, no being frightened and running off in ten directions at once. That’s what you did then. That’s what you’re doing now, Julie.
JULIE: I’m not frightened, I’m mad! Everybody’s trying to blame me for this. Mom and Dad will too, you’ll see.
TOM: All right, all right. Just for the sake of the argument let’s say that you’re not frightened, you’re mad, okay? Now the point that I’m trying to make is that you’re spreading your anger around in ten directions at once. You’re fighting the whole world, even those that love you. Julie, all we’re trying to do is help you. Don’t you understand that?
JULIE: Oh wait til you hear from my mother and father. You’ll see, you’ll see. They’ll list all the trouble I’ve been. They’ll even make up a few things to make themselves sound good.
TOM: Well, there has been trouble before, hasn’t there? You expect your mother and father to tell the police that you’re a model young lady? That you couldn’t possibly be the ringleader because you’re a follower? That there’s never been any trouble before, not a bit of it? No, no Julie, that’s not so. We’ve got a problem that has to be solved, by all of us together. But you must let Mickey and me help solve it. And your mother and father too. But nothing’s going to be solved unless you…stay cool, isn’t that the word for it?
MICKEY: That’s right, Julie, don’t blow your cool. (JULIE outlines a square with her fingers in the air) Oh, come on now, in my circles I’m considered very far from square.
TOM (walks over to the detective’s phone): I think I’ll try and reach Ben and Addie. They should be home by now.
JULIE: And if they’re not?
TOM: Well then, perhaps, we can try and make other arrangements.
JULIE: Thanks, Grandpa.
(03:56-08:00) Scene 2: Police Station (Tom, Mickey, Julie, Detective)
[Pickup the same cast, a few moments later. TOM is having a ONE-WAY conversation with Ben and Addie’s maid.]
TOM: Yes, Mrs. Chamberlain, it’s Dr. Horton again. Have you heard from Mr. and Mrs. Olson yet? Oh. Just a moment. (to MICKEY) They won’t be home for quite awhile. Considering the time now…
MICKEY: Mike, how about it? We’ll take Julie with us, and then as soon as her parents can be located, why she’ll be returned to their custody.
DETECTIVE (gets up and goes to the door): I don’t know. I’ll check with the captain. I think Dr. Horton’s reliable.
[The DETECTIVE exits]
TOM (to Mrs. Chamberlain): Mrs. Chamberlain, when my daughter gets there have her call me at home. Yes, thank you very much. No, there’s no need to worry, Julie’s with me. Yes. [Hangs phone up]
MICKEY: Good. Feeling better Julie?
JULIE: Just like Grandpa said, “There’s no need to worry, I’m with him.”
MICKEY: Well, that’s just for right now. I think you better understand that.
[The DETECTIVE re-enters]
DETECTIVE: I believe it will be alright. (motions to TOM) The captain would like to see you.
TOM: Me?
[TOM and the DETECTIVE exit]
JULIE: Now what?
MICKEY: Well, now your grandfather will vouch for the fact that you’ll be delivered to your parents and you’ll be released.
JULIE: Delivered? Just like a package from the store all tied up in a ribbon. And then they’ll unpack me and…
MICKEY (interrupts): You feel pretty sorry for yourself, don’t you?
JULIE: Oh, come on, Uncle Mickey, I know darn well what you think of my father.
MICKEY: Well, nevertheless, he is your father. Now instead of feeling so sorry for yourself, maybe you better start thinking about how your actions affect your mother and father, and us too.
JULIE: Oh, I know, I’m such an inconvenience.
MICKEY: Young lady, you had better start thinking about the consequences of this action and all the other actions.
JULIE: I was never arrested before.
MICKEY (looking over her police record): Oh you mean that you were never caught before. They have a record on you here Julie. You were suspected of previous shoplifting excursions. The juvenile officers have questioned you on one…two…three, three previous occasions. That’s right, three previous occasions. Once at school when a locker caught on fire. Once at a party…
JULIE (interrupts): I wasn’t responsible for those things, and they know it.
MICKEY: Insufficient evidence to draw an official petition against a minor. That’s what it says here. But Julie, now they have the evidence. And you had better know it’s going to be a tough road ahead.
JULIE: What do you mean?
MICKEY: The police will petition to have you made a ward…
[There is a noticeable unclean edit. The scene picks up here having missed a few lines, most likely: MICKEY: …of the state. JULIE: What’s that mean?]
MICKEY: It means either 24-hour supervision or supervised probation.
JULIE: Like…like reform school?
MICKEY: Well, this is your first official arrest, so we can probably get off with a probationary sentence, but you were caught with that fur piece.
JULIE: I didn’t steal it! I told you I was just trying it on to see what it looked like.
MICKEY: And it just fell conveniently into your bag. Come on, Julie, if you want me to help you, you have to be honest with me. Honest!
[TOM and the DETECTIVE re-enter]
TOM: All set, I guess we can go home now.
DETECTIVE: I think that about does it, all right. If the Olson’s call, I’ll fill them in.
TOM: Thanks. I’ll take her on home.
DETECTIVE: And remember, Dr. Horton, that girl must be turned over to the custody of her parents as soon as possible. Now you’ve got the forms there.
MICKEY: Oh, those are the papers Ben and Addie sign.
MICKEY: Mike, would it be okay if I have them sign them tonight and bring them in tomorrow morning?
DETECTIVE: That’ll be all right. (to JULIE) I’ll see you later, young lady.
JULIE: I hope not!
DETECTIVE: Take a word of advice from me. You listen to the doctor and the counselor there. Now you can lip off to me, but a judge won’t like it at all. Just remember that.
[The DETECTIVE exits]
TOM: All right, sweetheart, we can go home now. (to MICKEY) I hope your mother didn’t wait up.
MICKEY: Dad, what if you take Julie on up to the house. I think I better try to track down Addie and her social husband.
TOM: Where will you look?
MICKEY: I’ll find them if I have to walk in on every fashionable supper party in Salem!
JULIE: I hope you don’t find them.
TOM: What?
JULIE: Not now, not ever!
[JULIE rushes out and slams the door as the scene ends].
(08:00-14:06) Scene 3: Horton House-Exterior (Marie, Tony, Craig, Tom, Julie)
[Pickup MARIE and TONY’s conversation from episode # 1. They are kissing on the bench outside of her house. MARIE starts to laugh].
TONY: What’s the matter?
MARIE: I’m sorry, but I can’t get the picture out of my mind. It’s very funny.
TONY: Well, what’s so funny?
MARIE: Me, skating up and down the Charles River. I never graduated beyond double runners.
TONY: Well, neither did I. Oh, anyway, we’re in luck. Jim wrote about the throughway they have along the Charles River. So we don’t have to skate to class. We can always take a bus.
[TONY takes a cigarette out.]
MARIE (jokingly): You mean there’s been progress in Boston?
TONY: Oh, sweetheart, once we arrive there, Boston will really have come of age.
[MARIE sees that TONY’s cigarette lighter is not working.]
MARIE: I’ll get you some matches.
TONY: Thank you.
[MARIE exits. Alone, TONY grabs at his head and starts to moan. He sits down on the bench, in apparent agony. MARIE re-enters.]
MARIE (worried): Tony, is something the matter?
TONY (regaining composure): No. Oh, I just got kind of dizzy for a minute.
TONY (trying to mask his pain): Oh, it’s nothing, honey, really. Come on, we were talking about…about Boston, right?
MARIE: Right. Hey, I can see the picture now: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Merritt have taken up residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The city has awaited their arrival with baited-breath. The mayor himself is quoted as having said…
TONY (interrupts): “I love you.”
MARIE (continues): The mayor himself is quoted as having said “I love you.”
[As MARIE and TONY are about to kiss, CRAIG MERRITT, Tony’s father, enters, in full pilot’s uniform].
TONY (jokes): There are spies near. Batten down the hatches. Secure the villages. Your houseporch is under surveillance.
MARIE: All right, captain, it’s only your father.
TONY: Ay, but we trust no one. This is war. Down, down, get down.
[MARIE and TONY hide on the ground. CRAIG walks up and pretends to get hurt].
TONY: Hey, what’s the matter Dad, you okay?
CRAIG: I am!
[CRAIG grabs TONY jokingly by the arms and holds him as if a prisoner].
CRAIG: Ah, scared you, didn’t I?
TONY: Mercy, mercy, mercy!
MARIE: Unhand that man for he is my betrothed!
[CRAIG lets go and they all laugh]
CRAIG: Enough of that. So, how is my favorite daughter to be?
MARIE: And my favorite father-in-law to be?
CRAIG: Well, I’m pretty good. Considering my ancient age.
TONY: Ancient age my foot! Hey, listen, let me warn you about these guys. Never strangle an airline pilot. These guys keep in shape, huh?
CRAIG: Well, Tony, we keep in shape because we keep sane hours. Do you realize what time it is?
TONY: Hey, come on, you’re putting me on here.
CRAIG: Well, no. It is after midnight. Don’t you have class in the morning, Marie?
MARIE: Mm hmm. At 8 o’clock, in the bio-med building, all the way across the campus. Want to make something out of it?
CRAIG: All right, you two. I just came off a flight, went home, found an absent son, and decided to come over and say hello.
TONY: Hello!
CRAIG: What, am I interrupting something?
TONY: Oh, no, no, no. I only wanted to spend a few hours with one of the most beautiful, one of the most charming, delectable, delicious creatures in the world. (Hugs MARIE) But I really don’t mind an interruption. No, really I don’t.
CRAIG: Really, I was just out for a walk and…
MARIE: He’s only kidding.
CRAIG: Well, you are the most delightful, delicious…what was the rest of that Tony?
TONY: Uh, delectable, most beautiful creature in the world.
MARIE: Hey, thanks for the rave review. It is getting late.
TONY: Hey, come on. (to CRAIG) Now look what you did.
MARIE: No, really I didn’t realize what time it was. I hope Mom’s gone to bed.
TONY: Mm hmm.
CRAIG: Is Doc Horton out?
MARIE: Mm hmm.
CRAIG: Oh, he keeps running along on all cylinders, doesn’t he? Quite a man, your dad.
MARIE: No argument there.
CRAIG: And you know something? I think your brother Bill is going to be just as good a doctor. Is he coming to the wedding?
MARIE: Unfortunately no. He’s up to his ears in case histories.
TONY: Yeah, man, that last year of med school is a real backbuster, Dad.
CRAIG: Well, it’s going to be a tough year for you too, Tony.
TONY: Well, the one difference between Bill and I is at least I’ll have my frau to smooth my wrinkled brow. Hey, that’s not a bad line, is it, huh?
MARIE: Very poetic, Mr. Merritt.
CRAIG: Now, come on, Tony. Kiss the lady good night.
TONY: Well, that’s one challenge I think I’m up to.
[TONY kisses MARIE.]
TONY: Good night, lovely.
MARIE: Good night, Tony.
CRAIG: Good night, Marie.
MARIE: Oh, Tony, about tomorrow, what time should I pick you up? I’ve got the car.
CRAIG: Oh, no need for you to drive. I’m off til midnight. I’ll pick you up on the way to the airport.
MARIE: Fine, about six?
TONY: Fine.
MARIE: I’ll be ready. Good night, Anthony.
TONY: Good night.
[CRAIG and TONY exit. MARIE gets ready to go inside but hears a car pull up.]
TOM (off screen): Hi, sweetie. I’ve got a passenger.
JULIE (off screen): Hi, Aunt Marie.
MARIE: Julie, is that you?
JULIE (off screen): None other.
TOM (off screen): Come on, Julie.
[TOM and JULIE enter.]
MARIE: It’s after midnight. How come Julie…?
TOM: Now, come on inside. I’ll explain later. Is your mother awake?
MARIE: No, I don’t think so.
TOM: Good. Come on, Julie.
MARIE: What happened?
JULIE: I’m under arrest.
[Close in on MARIE’s shock as the scene ends.]
(14:06-15:51) Scene 4: Horton House-Living Room (Tom, Julie, Marie)
[Moments later with the same cast. TOM hangs his coat up.]
MARIE: What did you say?
JULIE: I’m under arrest.
TOM: Let’s not get over-dramatic, Julie.
JULIE: Well, it’s true.
MARIE: Dad, what happened?
TOM: Go on, Julie.
JULIE: Well, well there was a little problem at Bartlett’s department store tonight. It happened this evening.
MARIE: What happened?
TOM: Go on.
JULIE: Well I was there with Carol and Diane, and this creepy detective came along and…
TOM: And found the fur piece in your bag.
MARIE: Oh, Julie, did you steal it?
[JULIE walks away, MARIE follows].
MARIE: Did you Julie?
JULIE: Well, well I was just trying it on. Maybe it just fell in my bag.
TOM: Hm hmm. Marie, was there any phone calls?
MARIE: No. (to JULIE) It fell into your bag?
JULIE: You, too?
TOM: I think we better have a little chat, Marie.
MARIE: Oh, Dad, it’s awfully late. Could she go upstairs and lie down? Is she going to stay here?
TOM: Mickey’s trying to find Ben and Addie. They’re at some party someplace. We can’t locate them. Julie’s going to stay here until we find them.
JULIE: May I go upstairs and lie down?
TOM: Well, there isn’t much we can do until they get here.
[JULIE walks upstairs and exits.]
MARIE: She seems frightened, Dad.
TOM: She denies it…says she’s mad.
MARIE: At who?
TOM: Everyone I suppose.
MARIE: Well, maybe I can talk to her.
TOM: You can try.
[Fade into next scene.]
(15:51-17:37) Scene 5: Horton House-Marie’s Bedroom (Tom, Julie, Marie)
[JULIE walks into the bedroom and sits on Marie’s bed. MARIE follows and does the same]
JULIE: Hi. What a night! I’m tired.
MARIE: And upset?
JULIE: Who cares?
MARIE: We all care, Julie.
JULIE: Oh, wait til Mom and Dad get here. Boy, they’ll make such a scene.
MARIE: Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I really am. This fur piece, what was it?
JULIE: A Martin stole.
MARIE: They found it in your bag?
JULIE: Oh Aunt Marie, Uncle Mickey was there too. And he says that I’ll have to go court, and that they might even send me to reform school.
MARIE: Oh, honey, did Uncle Mickey tell you that? I don’t think they’re going to send you away. (Tries to change the subject) Hey, you want to see the wedding dress?
JULIE: Is it finished?
MARIE: Oh, not by a long shot, but you can see what it’s going to look like. They’ve still got yards to alter around the skirt. (Gets the dress out of her closet and shows it to Julie) Here, here it is. It’s still pinned, see?
JULIE: Oh, Aunt Marie, it’s dreamy.
[TOM knocks on the door]
TOM: Can I come in?
[TOM enters]
TOM: Mickey just called. He found Ben and Addie. They’ll be here right away.
[The scene ends on JULIE’s look of disgust]
(17:37-20:45) Scene 6: Horton House-Marie’s Bedroom (Tom, Julie, Marie)
[Pick up where scene 5 ended].
TOM: They were at the Palmer’s luau.
JULIE: Are they sober?
MARIE: Julie!
TOM: I was hoping your Aunt Marie would have gotten you in a better mood.
JULIE: Grandpa, do I have to see them tonight?
TOM: Those are the orders from the police, Julie. There’s nothing we can do about it.
JULIE: Well, I don’t want to see them! I won’t!
MARIE: Julie, they’re your parents. They’re going to be worried about you.
JULIE: Oh, not about me! You can bet on it. The only thing they’re worried about is this getting spread around Salem. The only thing they’re worried about, really, is their reputation.
TOM: Still running around in ten directions at once, aren’t you?
JULIE: I know how I feel.
TOM: Do you, Julie? Do you know how I feel? And how your Aunt Marie feels? Or haven’t you taken the time to consider that?
JULIE: Well, I suppose you wish it hadn’t happened.
TOM: Is that all?
JULIE: I suppose you feel badly.
MARIE: Your grandfather means about you, Julie. What he’s trying to tell you...what I’m trying to tell you too is, is that we all care a great deal about what happens to you.
TOM: And your mother and father feel the same way.
JULIE: I doubt that.
MARIE: Do you doubt us?
JULIE: No, that’s why I want to stay here a bit longer. This is where the people live that I love. Here in this house.
TOM: Marie, you’d better wait downstairs.
MARIE: Will you come down soon?
TOM: No, I’ll let Mickey handle Ben and Addie. I’m very tired. I’ll talk with Julie and then go to bed. The Palmer place is about an hour from here. It’s out by Haughton Towns.  
MARIE: Yes, I know.
TOM: I’ve got an appointment at seven, what about you, don’t you have an early morning class?
MARIE: Um hmm. But I think I’ll wait up.
TOM: Well, I don’t think you better.
MARIE: I want to, Dad.
[MARIE exits]
TOM: Why don’t you get some sleep? Stretch out?
JULIE: I’m not tired.
TOM: Oh, come on. Just lie down for a minute. Come on, I’ll cover you up.
[JULIE lies down in the bed as TOM covers her]
TOM: That’s it. Both pillows. You still use two pillows?
JULIE: You remembered.
TOM: But now, I expect you to be grown up now. You’ve really grown up enough, to face your parents. But if you insist on denying everything, if you start shouting at your mother and father, if you keep on blaming them for your difficulties…
JULIE: Grandpa, what do you want me to do? Say “I’m sorry?” Beg for forgiveness. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
TOM: Just be quiet, answer their questions and control your temper.
JULIE: Who guarantees that my father controls his?
TOM: I want you to control yours. Remember that little girl that was lost and had stayed lost because she was too frightened to use her common sense. You are frightened, aren’t you Julie?
JULIE (breaks down, crying): Oh, Grandpa, you are right. I am scared.
(20:45-21:00) Closing Hour Glass, Theme, Credits