Some fans of the show took some time to send replies in about their favorite memories of the show. Here are their fondest memories of "Days of Our Lives."


I have been watching "Days" since it came on the air. I was just a young girl at that time and remember it being on for [30] minutes. 1 hour is sure a pleasure now. Thanks for being on TV.


My favorite "Days" moment is a two-parter. The first part is the wedding of Larry Welch and Howie Hoffstedder. It was hysterical!! I will always remember the moment when the veil came up and there was Howie!! I laughed so hard I cried! The second part is in conjunction with that moment. It's when Bo whisked Hope away from the church on his motorcycle to the tune of Bonnie Tyler's song "I Need a Hero." It was such a great scene, it gave me goosebumps! Those were the "Days"!!


My favorite "Days" memory is Patch and Kayla's wedding when her hearing returned. That was such a wonderful moment.


My favorite "Days" memories all have to do with Bo and Hope. I absolutely loved the Oak Alley scenes where they made love for the first time. I also loved when Bo stole her from the aborted wedding to Larry Welch in her wedding gown on the back of his motorcycle. And, of course, their spectacular wedding.


My favorite episode was when Kristen was sobbing like a baby on the floor begging for John's forgiveness when he found out that she lied to him about being herself and about losing the baby.


My favorite moment was on July 4, 1998. Carrie and Mike running into each other at the Fourth of July cookout. Carrie and Mike shared their fourth kiss.


My favorite [storyline] was when Doug and Julie were working together undercover and Julie posed as a prostitute.


As far as favorite memories go, a fairly current favorite of mine is when Vivian discovers that Kristen is wearing a pillow and is not pregnant at all. I loved when Marlena finally revealed that she knew everything Kristen did to trick John concerning the pregnancy and how Kristen broke down and cried in defeat. I also LOVED the wedding scene between Susan and John. That was hilarious! And many years ago, I remember Marlena running down a hill in the woods with a picture and she is telling John that he is Roman. That was super. Also seeing Billie finally get exposed for all of her lies was wonderful. And when Marlena comes back to Salem after being off the show for five years and she sees John on the docks. I cried. That is for sure my favorite moment. Any scene with Stefano is always appreciated as he is my favorite person on the show.


[My] favorite "Days" moments? So many. I've been watching for a long time, since I was a toddler. Just a few that stand out are Marlena finding out John was Roman; RoJohn and Marlena's pier reunion; John and Marlena's affair on the plane; Doug and Julie's honeymoon in Italy; [and] Liz Chandler singing to her brother, Todd, when he was dying.
I love "Days of our Lives" and have been watching since 1976. I started watching because of Doug & Julie and am still hoping they will come back to Salem very soon and bring some real romance back to the show. Both of their weddings were beautiful and romantic and really any scene that they are in together is wonderful. Their getting back together scenes have been powerful and some of the best acting ever done on the small or big screen!


My favorite "Days" moment (there are so many from the time I watched [from] 1984-1992) but I have to say Steve and Kayla are my all time favorite love story. It was so beautiful, so romantic. My favorite moments: when they exchanged personal vows in the snowy mountains, when Kayla took the patch off (first time anyone had seen Steve unmasked), and Steve and Kayla's wedding on the yacht when she regained her speech and spoke her vows. Nothing has ever topped them for me.


I have been thinking of my favorite memories of "Days" and they go back to the time of Julie,Doug, Marie, Addie. I loved the Mickey, Bill and Laura storylines. I laughed with Eugene and Calliope, I cried for Mike and Margo, I cried for John and Isabella. I was horrified at the "buried alive " storyline with Carly. I was mesmerized with Marlena being possessed. I loved Kristen who went from good to evil, and to her role as Susan. I love the Bo/Hope/Billie storylines, also devious Sami and Kate who will do anything to get what they want! There are many more memories, but these are my favorites!


My absolute favorite "Days" moment would have to be when Susan and Edmund are having that wonderful time in England and she flies off the swing. I cracked up!


My favorite "Days" moments all have to do with Carrie and Austin. Some [other] moments that I also enjoyed were when Vivian buried Carly alive. Many Jack and Jennifer moments, as well as Bo and Hope moments.


My favorite "Days" moment is when Austin [accidentally ran into] Sami...with his car and [caused her amnesia].


I have been watching "Days" since I was about 8. My favorite moments were when Vivan buried Carly alive, and when she stole Kate's embryo. I also loved the Austin/ Sami/ Carrie saga. I think Sami and Kate are wonderful, and I love when they do anything to get what they want. When Marlena was possessed I never missed a day. That was one of my favorite storylines. I really like the Bo/Hope/Billie storyline too. I simply love this show, and will continue to be a faithful fan.
The best and funniest [moment] had to be when Larry Welch was to marry Hope but Bo kidnapped her and Howie Hoffstedder stood in. I can still see Howie puckering up when Larry lifted the veil. The second funniest [moment] had to be Marlena's "possession", especially the bouncing bed. And finally when Carrie was laying in the hospital after the acid incident. Carrie tried to convince Roman that Austin was good. The speech she gave about "Saint" Austin, she deserved an award for not cracking up.
I first started watching "Days" when Marlena was first possessed by the devil, strange but true. And from then on I was hooked.
I have watched "Days" since the beginning. There are so many favorite [memories]. I was reading everyone else's and I noticed no mention of Eugene and Calliope, The Salem Strangler, Neil and Liz, Doug and Julie, Bob Anderson so many people gone but not forgotten. One great memory was when we all thought Marlena was killed by the Salem Strangler, NBC got so many calls the fans were outraged (including myself). My all-time favorite [memory] was Marlena on the pier. And of course any Horton Christmas.


I started watching "Days" in August, 1967. My grandmother introduced me to the show. She would want to take a [break] from chores on the farm. I was soon hooked. When I returned to college, I tried my best to schedule my classes around "Days." Most [semesters] I was successful- but there were some [I wasn't]. One memory that I will never forget is when Kitty Horton died. Also the Hope/Larry Welch wedding, who can forget Howie dressed as Larry?
My favorite memories on "Days" were when Austin hit Sami with his car and when Carrie smacked Sami at her wedding. I believe that Carrie was holding out on that for way too long.
I've been watching "Days" since 1978. One of my favorite scenes was when Shawn-Douglas was born and Bo passed out. [Also] when [Shawn-D] was sucking on Bo's finger. Any Bo and Hope scene is good though!
I have five favorite "Days" scenes: Bo and Hope making love for the first time in the mansion; Bo stealing Hope away on his motorcycle from her wedding to Larry; Marlena and John's airplane scene; Melissa and Pete's love story; and Patch and Kayla's wedding.


I've been watching "Days" since the [primetime] episode ["Night Sins"] when Sami caught Marlena and John in the Titan office...My favorite memories would have to be the Christmas episode of 1993 when Billie sang "O Holy Night" as John and Kristen brought Belle back to Marlena. I watched it 3 times and cried all 3 times! Also Marlena's possession and, of course anything that had to do with Kristen and Susan. I laughed every time!!!
I started watching "Days" at the beginning in 1965. I used to rush home from school to watch with my grandmother. Through the years I have watched, not watched, and now tape and watch. Thank goodness for VCR's!! One day that will always be remembered in my family is 10/11/77, the day Trish had David's (Julie's son's) baby. That is the day I had my second child. I was in labor and watching and had to turn it off as soon as she had the baby because they moved me to delivery and about 10 minutes later I had a baby girl. My daughter has heard this story so many times. And all three of my girls have grown up watching "Days."


I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't watch "Days Of Our Lives." I started out watching this fabulous show with my babysitter...I remember she hated Tony or, as she called him, that weasel!!! Since I had to go to school, I didn't get a chance to really see it, but she would always fill me in. Summertime was the best since I never had a reason to miss it. When I was 7, she passed away. I think the reason I continue to watch and love "Days Of Our Lives" is to keep her memory alive in my life. It's been 14 years...but sometimes when I watch "Days", I can still hear her voice and feel her presence.


I have been watching "Days" as long as I can remember, starting with my grandmother when I was 3 years old. After all these years it's almost like family to me. I really enjoyed the years of Eugene Bradford, and the early days of Marlena, Roman, Stefano, Tony and Anna.
My favorite "Days" storyline was the one where Carly was buried alive by Vivian. That was terrific! I also loved the Kristen/John/Marlena/Susan/Sister Mary Moira/Penelope/Thomas/Edmund storyline. It had so many twists and turns, and also people! Well, mostly just one person. "Days of Our Lives" is so great, I think that it should get another hour a day on the air.


My favorite memory of "Days" was when Kate and Vivian broke out into one of the biggest catfights I'd ever seen! It was at the hospital right after Vivian caused Victor's stroke. It was great! No one does catfights better than these two!
"Days of Our Lives" is the best show. I will always remember wathching it with my grandpa. Some of the best storylines include: the Loretta sinking; Ernesto and Hope's "death" in the cage; Jack kidnapping Jen on her wedding day; Steve and Kayla getting married on the yacht; Carly coming to town; Vivian burying Carly alive; Vivian and Laura entering the courtroom when they were presumed dead; Susan's wedding out of "Graceland"; Jennifer's funeral; Sami dressed as Marilyn Monroe getting shot; Kristen pretending to be Susan; and Vivian getting jealous watching Kate and Stefano do the tango!
I have been watching "Days" since the late 1980's. My favorite moments have been any scenes with Roman [John] and Diana and also Mike and Carrie.
I started watching "Days" about eleven years ago. I was a college senior and all my roommates loved "Days" - we especially loved John Black and Diana [Genie Francis]. My favorite "Days" storyline was Maison Blanche. I thought the writing was terrific and all the actresses [Eileen Davidson, Melissa Reeves, and Lisa Rinna] were really strong. Some of my favorite moments were Hope discovering who she really was (the first time); the first time Carrie slapped Sami after Kate and Nurse Lynn exposed her for drugging Austin; when Susan locked Marlena and Kristen in the basement together; all of the Eileen Davidson characters; and, most recently, Stefano's "Phantom of the Opera" imitation.
I started watching "Days" in the late 1970's when I was about 7 years old. I loved the Bo and Hope stories, especially her 18th birthday. I loved Liz, Neil, Tony, Anna, Savannah, Chris, Renee, and the Shenanigans and Blondie's sets. Boy, those were the "Days!"
My favorite scenes on "Days" were John and Marlena's affair on the plane, and their wedding in 1999. They are by far my favorite "Days" couple, and why I stay tuned. Their love is beyond compare, and they define the word soulmates.
My favorite "Days" memories are just about every scene that ever featured Peter Reckell and Kristian Alfonso. Bo and Hope are my absolute favorite couple. The scenes that stick out in my mind are Bo and Hope's wedding in England; their dance on New Year's Day 1986 when Bo buys the loft; the day she told him she was pregnant with Shawn-D; Shawn-D's birth; the day Bo and Hope read the letter at the Pub; and last but not least, the great moments I hope there are to come.
I have been watching the show on and off since I was 5, thanks to my mother and sister. I love John, no matter what he is doing or who he is with. I loved Marlena's possession. My favorite couples will always be Hope and Bo and Mike and Carrie. To me, that is romance and chemistry at its best. It's amazing to see how differently the characters have changed over the years but at the same time, they've stayed the same.
Over the past few years, there have been so many great scenes! Carrie and Austin's rooftop reunion; John seeing Marlena at the airport; Bo and Hope's sleigh ride in Aremid; and the list goes on and on.
I've been watching "Days" for a very long time. I was pregnant with my first child, and we had just moved to California. I didn't know anyone, and so when my next door neighbor asked me over to watch Bill and Laura's wedding, I happily accepted. That was 1969, and except for a couple of years' break from watching the show, I've been watching it ever since.
I started watching "Days" when my daughter was born in 1971. We were in the hospital at the time "Days" came on, and the whole floor had "Days" on then! Some of my favorite storylines were when Marlena finally married Roman; Calliope and Eugene's schemes; and when Kayla and Patch were burning the tv up!
I first started watching "Days" in the summer of 1983. I was home from school on vacation at the age of 10. One day my older brother was watching something on TV. I was intrigued and watched the rest of the show. I don't remember what else happened in that episode, but I do know that it was Anna DiMera trying to rescue herself and Tony. Ever since then I was hooked. Some of my favorite storylines were the Salem Slasher; the plane crash in the Bermuda Triangle; when Pete and Melissa ran away; and most of all, the love between Bo and Hope. I was happy when VCR's started popping up everywhere. Before I owned a VCR, I used to record "Days" on a tape recorder. I don't watch much TV anymore, but one thing for sure is, my VCR is set to record a special show that has a special place in my heart: "Days of Our Lives!"
I've been watching "Days" since it premiered in 1965. I was 19 at the time. My favorite scenes are when the Hortons hang their Christmas ornaments on the tree. Another memorable scene was when Tom died.
Want to see your favorite memories of the show listed here? Email me at and I'll post them on this page as soon as I can. Thank you.